loading... 2 Kommentare Kommentieren Bitte loggen Sie sich ein, um einen Kommentar zu schreiben. hophop6501.04.2016 Viktor98: Hi, is it possible to get your model file? I like the design very much. Thanks. hi victor98, thank you very much. i used the roomeon template "loft". or you can just open my layout by using the button "raum laden". then you can change my furnishing and save with a new filename. bye. hophop65 Antworten Viktor9830.03.2016 Hi, is it possible to get your model file? I like the design very much. Thanks. Antworten
2 Kommentare
hi victor98,
thank you very much.
i used the roomeon template "loft".
or you can just open my layout by using the button "raum laden".
then you can change my furnishing and save with a new filename.
bye. hophop65
Hi, is it possible to get your model file? I like the design very much.